BT212 - 40h


Penetration testers face a combination of intrusion detection systems, host-based protection, hardened systems, and analysts that pour over data collected by their security information management systems.

Penetration tests help find flaws in the system to take appropriate security measures to protect the data and maintain functionality. This training will provide the student with a steppingstone on running penetration testing in practice and taking on the complex task of effectively targeting and planning a penetration attack on a traditionally secured environment.

The course helps prepare for the certification exams CEH (EC|Council), PenTest+ (CompTlA), and GPEN (SANS).

Target Audience

This course targets people from the IT world that want to upgrade their careers and master the art of penetration testing.


Linux Networking


  • Bypass security and attack the network
  • Becoming familiar with penetration
  • Testing existing security weaknesses

Module 1: Planning and Collecting Information

Before the penetration testing team can analyze and conduct a series of tests and attacks, the team needs to gather data to construct a better action plan. In this module, the student will go through the basics of information gathering and reconnaissance.

Passive Information Gathering

  • The OSINT Framework
  • Monitoring Personal and Corporate Blogs
  • Collecting Employees Personal Information
  • Harvesting Organization Emails

Active Information Gathering

  • NMAP Scanning
  • Services Versions
  • DNS Enumeration

Identifying Vulnerability and Exploits

  • NSE Scripting
  • Vulnerabilities Detection Methods
  • Shodan Search Engine
  • Finding Exploits
  • Automating the Scanning

Module 2: Gaining Access and Post-Exploitation

In this module, the students will learn to use their knowledge in the first two phases to gain access, either using an existing exploit or brute-forcing them into the network. After gaining
control of the target, the students will learn to abuse existing services to elevate their permissions.

Finding a Way In

  • Social Engineering
  • Brute-Forcing Services
  • Metasploit

Gaining Access Through Wi-Fi

  • Wi-Fi Basics
  • Management and Monitor Modes
  • Gaining Access to the Network

Post Exploitation and Evidence Gathering

  • Basic Privilege Escalation
  • Using the Meterpreter Modules
  • Windows and Linux Privesc Basics
  • Network Pivoting

Module 3: Inside Threats

Finding vulnerabilities on the network using different sniffing methods is very important and can reveal the organization’s vulnerabilities and weaknesses. In this module, students will use.

Sniffing and Attacks

  • MAC Attacks
  • DHCP Attacks
  • ARP Poisoning
  • Spoofing Attacks
  • DNS Poisoning
  • Sniffing Tools
  • Sniffing Detection Techniques
  • Kerberos Attacks
  • Silver Tickets for Persistence
  • Domain Mapping and Exploitation
  • Effective Domain Privilege Escalation
  • SMB Exploits
  • SNMP Exploits
  • SMTP Exploits
  • FTP Exploits
  • Pass-The-Hash

Module 4: Intro to WebAppfication Security

In this module, students will learn the importance of web application security analysis.
Many organizations were hacked using vulnerabilities in the application layer.

Hacking Web Servers

  • SQL Injection
  • File Upload Vulnerability
  • Local File Inclusion
  • Remote File Inclusion
  • XSS
  • BeEF
  • Password Attacks